Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rating the Ratings is imperative


It is three decades since CIBIL rating has commenced its operations and a decade since Brickworks has started. We also see the frequent sovereign ratings of Standard and Poor, Ind-Ra (Fisch) and Moody’s. Very recently, Nirmala Sitaraman, in the wake of serial failure of well rated corporates – eg., DHFL, IL&FS, and several other PSUs as well as Private Companies, mentioned her serious concern. Sovereign ratings are also not infallible. This article would like to see the present status and suggest the modifications.

“A credit rating is technically an opinion on the relative degree of risk associated with timely payment of interest and principal on a debt instrument. It is an informed indication of the likelihood of default of an issuer on a debt instrument, relative to the respective likelihoods of default of other issuers in the market. It is therefore an independent, easy-to-use measure of relative credit risk.”[i]

If a bank chooses to keep some of its loans unrated, it may have to provide, as per extant RBI instructions, a risk weight of 100 per cent for credit risk on such loans. Basel regulations provide for supervisors increasing the standard risk weight for unrated claims where a higher risk weight is warranted by the overall default experience in their jurisdiction. Further, as part of the supervisory review process, the supervisor may also consider whether the credit quality of corporate claims held by individual banks should warrant a standard risk weight higher than 100%.

The working of the entire rating system was questioned after the sub-prime crisis resulted in collapse of not just Fennie May and Freddie Mac but even UBS Credit Suisse, Citi group, Deutsche Bank etc. This led the US Fed and the Wall Street to revamp the entire rating mechanism after a careful study of the processes they followed and the measurement they gave to different parameters. But such changes are not followed uniformly across nations.

Theoretically, internal credit scoring models are effective instruments for the banks in loan origination, loan pricing and loan monitoring.  But the banks’ rating architecture is different from the rating agencies and this is one of the reasons for the regulator to insist on a rating review mechanism to be part of the Banks’ Credit Risk Management Committee. 

The rating process involves assessment of Business Risk arising from interplay of five factors: industry risk; market position, operating efficiency, financial risk and management risk. While industry risk and market position can be assessed from the macro level data, operating efficiency and management risk can be captured by observation, frequent interaction and experience. Unless cross functional, sectoral, trade data from all sources is available on digital platform and that too verifiable easily, the rating agencies are bound to err.

As per Basel II (2000): “An Internal Rating refers to a summary indicator of risk inherent in an individual credit. Ratings typically embody an assessment of the risk of loss due to failure by given borrower to pay as promised, based on consideration of relevant counter party and facility characteristics.  A rating system includes the conceptual methodology, management processes and systems that play a role in the assignment of a rating.”  Understandably, there was a collapse of the rating instrumentality looking at the collapse of the corporate credit and investments almost without notice. 

One of the common failings noticed by informed circles, for example, has been, a firm that owes to MSMEs beyond Rs.2lakhs should have been rated lower than those that would have paid promptly. Most corporates both PSUs and Private Companies were chronic defaulters and this came to surface more prominently in all the NCLT-dealt with cases. Second, poor governance should have got bad rating. Including Banks, PSUs and Private Companies fare badly and yet got good ratings!!

Ever since the Rating is mandated by the RBI while extending credit, we have seen phenomenal failures in the well-rated corporates both in the private and public sectors, e.g., DHFL, IL&FS. SMEs have no option but to get the rating of one or the other agency and yet, the Bank concerned would have its own rating that would decide the quantum of credit.

Measuring policy risks, sovereign risks and governance risks is the major challenge and this challenge has become visible in the recent corporate rating failures. Banks severely compromised by pitching high on CIBIL ratings and particularly, the individuals and Directors of the Companies. The thirty-year old CIBIL needs to amend its ways if the ratings book should be cleaned.

Technology disruption, easy regulations governing payment platforms, data on merchant performance, changes in consumption patterns, differential product regulations across the nations for similarly placed products and increasing protectionism are all the new risk areas for capture by the CRAs.

In so far as Indian financial sector is concerned, consolidation following the merger of PSBs, failure of NBFCs, Urban Cooperative Banks, and the lackluster performance of the MFIs, metrocentric banking are all new challenges to the CRAs. Telecom regulations and their interface with the payment and settlement systems, Internet of Things, Blockchain technologies are the new disruptors and even moderate margin of error can impact heavily and the rating can collapse. Further, product regulations have also become dynamic. In a way, all these aspects seem to have their shadow cast on the rating instrumentality as a risk mitigant.

There is therefore an imminent need for a High Level Committee of the SEBI, RBI, PFRDA, IRDA, and Telecom Regulatory Authority to examine the methodologies of CRAs for a more reliable rating process and pricing of rating agencies.

*Dr. B. Yerram Raju is an economist and risk management specialist and can be reached at Also see my blog on the subject June 11, 2011
Published in the Money Life on 28.11.19

[i] Report of the Committee on Comprehensive Regulation for Credit Rating Agencies, Ministry of Finance, Corporate Affairs Division, December 2009

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Negotiating a Loan during Slowdown

Ten-Point Recipe for Loan Negotiation with a Bank in Slowdown

Most first generation entrepreneurs, CFOs and CEOs of mid-corporates find it tough to negotiate a business deal with a bank. Banks usually are tight-fisted in times of recession to grant enhanced limits. They also claim full information of the enterprise, ecosystem in which it operates and the depth of the export markets. They also have a track record and credit record of the enterprise seeking to expand its operations. Economy in slowdown is tough time both for Banks and Enterprises. One has to run twice the speed in slowdown to remain where they are like Alice in the Wonderland.

Exacerbated NPAs despite the IBC have made Banks risk averse. Increase in frauds further accentuated risk aversion. The enterprises requiring higher working capital and those in export markets requiring packing credit facilities are facing formidable challenges. However, Banks may not like to lose good clients. Further, particularly those in PSBs, are also under pressure from the government to expand the portfolio in farm and MSME sectors.

Banks also actively work on the recoveries, write-offs of NPAs and topping up their Balance sheets. They are under pressure on the Asset side of the Balance sheet and therefore, look for clients who, despite slowdown, come up with a good proposal. And a good proposal in their parlance means that they would have little to exercise their thinking. Their time is under pressure most times in video conferences, meetings, Seminars, publicity and several internal committees.

Look at Mr. Raman who understands the predicament of the current banker and who is a CFO of a mid-sized corporate entrusted with the task of increasing domestic market by 100% and overseas market of the Company’s innovated tablets and injections duly approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. He is sure that the Banks would not like to lose a good client for another bank. Since his Company has proven track record, he was hopeful of the deal for higher limits on both working capital and export packing credit.

He took an appointment with the GM (mid-corporates) of the Bank one fine morning. He did his homework well. He gathered full data of the enterprise; environment in which the entire industry has been working; economics of his proposal; the area into which the Company would like to expand; the types of clients the company are targeting; the distribution system of the new markets; the incentives Company has on table; the drug controls of both India and the Asian economies in which the Company is going to operate; the disease patterns there; government health care and insurance mechanisms; the IPR and above all the financials. He also worked on the stress testing of his projections.

He presumed that in the first instance the Bank would know of the enterprise and ecosystem equally well. He started off with all humility. During the discussions, when he noticed that Bank officials do not have half the information, he had either on the product or competitiveness but are looking at only the financials and spreadsheets and not the rationale behind them, he pitched his fork high. He left some issues deliberately for the bank to come up with subsequently. He did not press for a solution instantaneously. He left a cooling time with the Bank.

After three days, when the call came, he went with his accounting team and with the required project proposal in the bank’s usual format. He took care to ensure that no additional collaterals would be offered. He kept under his armpit the directors’ individual guarantee to offer when necessary. Finally, when asked, he just mentioned that it was the company’s intention to go for public issue at a propitious moment and raise equity to meet future needs and therefore, it would be difficult to offer the same at the moment. The deal got through.

The recipe is simple:

1. Do your homework well: know your own enterprise, its SWOT.

a. Brainstorm possible implications of the proposal with the Board and internal management.

b. Cushion the proposal with adequate collaterals and guarantees but keep it undisclosed.

c. Go as a team for presentation with your confident technical and financial team for discussion.

2. Do not thrust yourself at inconvenient times for the banker.

3. Be transparent during negotiations.

4. Be humble; but do not compromise on limits sought as it might affect profitability.

5. ERP will help keeping the data required by the Bank and tax authorities transparent and timely.

6. Go with a vision, objectives and goals for the future.

7. Keep also the succession plan ready.

8. Give reasonable time to the Bank to think and come back with their offer,  but indicate your expectation for the result and also indicate that a Bank and a leading NBFC have also indicated their willingness to look at the proposal to attract competitive pricing of the loan.

9. Post sanction and post disbursal, keep compliance of terms and conditions tidy.

10. Make sure of half-yearly review of the limits by the Bank by feeding the required data online.

The above principles work equally well for the MSMEs. Since the MSMEs lack the attributes of a CFO and accounting team, they need to look for committed process consultancy firms like the Telangana Industrial Health Clinic Ltd (TIHCL) who handhold them and help scaling up with strategic interventions at the right time.

Published in Telangana Today 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pre-Budget Blues for the Union Budget 20-21

Suggestions for the Union Budget 2020-21
Focus on Manufacturing MSMEs;

Industries should bloom like flowers 
We have the potential to overtake China if we trust our MSME sector more than now and provide long-lasting solutions.

Manufacturing Micro enterprises with specific focus on agro based industries and rural enterprises, which are unique and provide maximum employment need to be separated from Small and Medium enterprises and the existing MSME Act needs to be amended accordingly. All micro enterprises in future may be encouraged to be set up in clusters only with suitable infrastructure and marketing facilities. They should be enabled for scaling up and the required support system should come from the Entrepreneur Development Centres (EDCs), proposed to be co-located at the DICs. The DIC officials’ performance should be evaluated basing on the number of micro enterprises scaling up to small enterprises. Although this comes under the State domain, the Amended MSMED Act should provide for this appropriately.

The SMEs may be defined based on sales turnover and employment to incentivise them to join the formal sector and achieve GST compliance.

2. All the incentives from the government and other agencies to the MSMEs need to be linked to the employment they provide to people directly. 

3. All the subsidies and other payments by the governments and their bodies to MSMEs must be paid within 45 days from the due date. Any delay beyond this and up to 90 days should attract penal interest rate at twice the RBI repo rate. Delay beyond 90 days should be treated as criminal violation. Since the purchase and sale is a contract between the buyer and seller, Indian Contract Act should be amended appropriately, simultaneously.

4. An Independent Evaluation Office on the lines of IMF may  be set up as independent agency under Ministry of MSME/Finance/NITI Aayog to evaluate the policies, programmes, implementation and payments to MSMEs and submit a report to the Government for action and placing before the Parliament at the beginning of the Year.

5. SIDBI has had limited impact. The role and responsibilities of SIDBI may be re-examined by a High Level Committee.

Fiscal Incentives:
¡  2% to 5% of Income Tax / GST for up to every 10 in Micro & to every 25 persons employed in small evidenced by self-certified muster roll and corresponding increase in the expenditure on wages and salaries in the annual P&L statement.
¡  Micro: 1. No Cess on GST; 2. First 5 Years waive income tax for manufacturing enterprises
¡  Small: First 3 years for firms graduating from Micro exempt income tax; No corporate tax
¡  Small to Medium Enterprises: First 3 years 2% less than the usual Corporate tax for large enterprises;  
¡  Medium to Large Enterprises: First 2 years < 2% of the usual corporate tax applicable to the Corporates
¡  Technology: Micro to Small: transition with new or imported technologies – Duty to be exempted.
¡  Small to Medium: Duty to be 2% less than for large.
There should be no levy of Cess on export duties to enable the SMEs to be major contributors to export markets.

Banks and NBFCs helping revival of MSMEs:
Income Tax reduction of 1% if the institution revives 100 enterprises in a year – demonstrated by the increase in capacity utilization by 40% in six months from the date of revival for 80 percent of units revived.

Manufacturing Micro and Small Enterprises post revival earnings of up to Rs.5cr should be exempt from income tax.

With inputs from Dr. Subbaiah Singala, General Manager, CAB, Pune whose views are also personal.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Institutions loosing their relevance

Agri, MSME DFIs are failing to meet their objectives

The focus needs to shift from public sector banks to NABARD and SIDBI, whose functions greatly differ from their intended role

When one sees high inflation, the RBI comes to mind. When capital markets misbehave, SEBI is on the radar. When an insurance problem surfaces, the IRDA comes into the picture. These are institutions with proven credibility.

But when credit does not flow to agriculture or when farmers commit suicide, why does NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) not come to mind? Why do farmers go to the government for a resolution? Similarly, when MSMEs do not get credit on time or do not get the services promised, why is SIDBI not under scanner? Why should the RBI still have a department to resolve issues relating to agriculture and MSMEs and prescribe priority sector boundaries, despite these other institutions?
Agricultural credit

NABARD, a statutory corporation, was set up in 1982, to take up the work of the Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation (or, Agriculture Refinance Corporation, till 1970), as well as some functions of the Agriculture Credit Department.

The NABARD Act was passed in 1981. Its preamble states that it is: “An Act to establish a development bank...for providing and regulating credit and other facilities for the promotion and development of agriculture (micro-enterprises, small enterprises and medium enterprises, cottage and village industries, handlooms), handicrafts and other rural crafts and other allied economic activities in rural areas with a view to promoting integrated rural development and securing prosperity of rural areas, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”

NABARD is a development finance institution (DFI) established under the statute to serve the purpose of providing and regulating credit and other facilities for the promotion and development of agriculture. It started regulating cooperative credit, but that space was ceded to commercial banks. It also started with regulating RRBs, but most of them merged into larger entities and RRB branches are now mostly seen in urban and metro centres.

When the statute provided for regulation of credit to agriculture, why did the RBI continue to hold the reins? Is it because of lack of confidence in NABARD, or a reluctance to cede control?
The Rural Infrastructure Development Fund is administered by NABARD. Why should NABARD fund States for infrastructure projects, and in the bargain became a banker for the State — not for agriculture and allied activities, rural and cottage industries? It undertakes more treasury business (pure financial operations) than refinancing of cooperative banks and RRBs at very soft rates, and through them, lends to the farmers of all hues. There has been a compromise of objectives, with full concurrence of both the RBI and the government. NABARD’s income comes more from investments than refinancing or development projects.

Commercial lending

Let us see the other DFI — set up under a separate statute in 1989 — the Small Industries Development Bank of India, or SIDBI. There are several Centrally-supported ‘funds’ for the development of small enterprises. But there is no review in the public domain as to how these funds are performing.

The Centre established SIDBI Venture Capital and the ventures funded were of the real estate sector and MFIs. It has no credible record of financing and promoting micro and small manufacturing enterprises or clusters. SIDBI started direct lending sparsely, with a minimum of ₹50 lakh. It did not consider, during the first decade financing, SME marketing activity as a term lending portfolio. Manufacturing enterprises did not get venture capital at a lower cost than the normal venture capital funds.

Commercial objectives continue to govern its functioning. Its regional offices are so autonomous that they do not even consider responding to RBI guidelines. Most of SIDBI’s lending is through collateral securities. It basks under sovereign protection to diversified activities.

Schemes such as MUDRA, CGTMSE, 59Minute Loan are all under its umbrella, albeit indirectly. No one has questioned SIDBI’s way of functioning in relation to the objectives spelt out in the statute: “An Act to establish the Small Industries Development Bank of India as the principal financial institution for the promotion, financing and development of industry in the small-scale sector and to co-ordinate the functions of the institutions engaged in the promotion, financing or developing industry in the small-scale sector and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”

Thus, both the DFIs targeting specific sectors are non-performers in their supposedly dedicated domains. At a time when the Finance Minister is keen on bringing about institutional reforms, she should shift her antenna from mergers to these two DFIs.
The writer is an economist and risk management specialist. Views are personal

Monday, October 7, 2019

Equity route the best for scaling up in MSMEs

Trust equity to transform MSMEs
Along with its good oversight, equity brings greater financial discipline right from the start
By Author
B Yerram Raju  |   Published: 7th Oct 2019  12:05 am Updated: 6th Oct 2019  10:17 pm
It is well known that the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) live in debt markets in India unlike in many other parts of the world where they access equity and debt in reasonably good proportion. In India, 93% of MSME credit is flowing to just 13 States. This skewed distribution requires correction.

Of late, genuinely worried about the continual decline in credit to MSMEs, the government of India introduced MUDRA to comfort these enterprises with Shishu, Kishore and Tarun products. But not even 10% of the total 17 million estimated enterprises was in the manufacturing sector. Then the government introduced 59Minute loan window. Both these efforts have not improved grassroots lending to the sector.

Driven to the wall, the Finance Minister pushed the panic button asking banks to do aggressive canvassing of loans for MSMEs and retail in 400 district-level shamiana meetings. The FM must be aware of both adverse selection of beneficiaries and moral hazard consequences. She expects the banks to tackle them effectively.

Convenient Option

But are there no other means of meeting the financial requirements of MSMEs? Why is equity not being explored as a convenient option? Is it because of the unorganised nature of the sector or because of the undependable clients in the sector? Or both?

Debt has been the most convenient option driven by perverse incentives right from 1950 when the Industrial Policy was announced. Debt, apart from being less costly, takes less than 30 days to deliver while equity takes at least nine months, if not more, where the promoters are assessed through a rigid due diligence process and corporate governance and board rules are put in place before filing the IPO. This process can be shortened if the enterprise has credible historical data for the pre-launch and good governance structure.

Movement from micro to small and small to medium is more governed by greater stake of the promoters through equity infusion. Therefore, such a transition is also extremely slow.

Enabling Ecosystem

District Industrial Centres, introduced in 1980-81 when George Fernandes was the Union Minister for Industries, have been engaged by the State governments to dispense the incentives, raw material like coal, iron, and help in realisation of unrealised debtors through the MSE Facilitation Councils since 2006. The Facilitation Councils, however, did not succeed to resolve the problem of delayed payments to MSMEs.

Manufacturers are the worst hit. Hence, the FM came out with a strict mandate to the PSUs and Central government departments to pay up all their bills by October 15, 2019, and confirm. Hope this would provide a lot of liquidity to the beleaguered MSMEs.

For the transformation from debt to equity access, the ecosystem, capacities and capabilities of firms and the perceptions of entrepreneurs play an important role. Several entrepreneurs are knowledge-insulated and mostly unwilling to unlearn in their growth journey.

Successful Model

Equity firms can participate with the MSMEs over a seven-year period with a gestation period of 1-2 years. Revenue sharing is the model on which it operates and is assessed after sectoral analysis and exits at an appropriate time. The participating equity firm also keeps enhancing skills and scouts for market opportunities of the partner firm. The model is a success in the US.

This equity comes at a cost of 5% more than the market price of debt. But it brings along with it good oversight and greater financial discipline right from day one. Structuring finances and structuring enterprise during the growth is a seamless process.

Scaling them up requires a different level of investments to wean away the entrepreneurs from the protective environment to self-dependence. The biggest problem they invariably come across is the choice of directors for governance. While the Institute of Directors has got on its platform thousands of trained directors, accessing them at affordable levels and verification and validation of their credentials pose problems.

Incentivise Transition
With the economy targeted for $5 trillion by 2022, MSMEs as growth engines and seedbeds of innovation have a significant role to play. Such a role requires that they seamlessly migrate to a higher level of operations during the growth stage.

Fiscal incentives can help such a transition. Having eased the rules for FDI participation and amended the corporate tax structure, it is time to look at what best can be done to make MSMEs go for greater aggregation and contribute significantly to the growing economy.

We have the potential to overtake China if we trust our MSME sector more than now and provide more long-lasting solutions than kneejerk reactions.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Risk Management in Indian Banks and FIs need Improvement

The scale of frauds across the Banks in India, from cooperative banks to commercial banks crossing half a trillion rupees, ballooning NPAs, slow and untimely resolve of bankruptcy cases have exacerbated the credit and operational risks. Finance specialists add to them the impending climate risks.

The PMC Urban Bank is just the tip of the iceberg viewing from regulatory perspective. Lack of oversight is clearly visible. Appointment of Directors failed to honor the ‘fit and proper criteria’. IL&FS and DHL in NBFC space shook up the shadow banking as well. This situation raises more questions than answers and require a firm resolve to warding off financial risks sooner than later, much before they translate into macro-economic risks.

Post-recession (2008), when the regulators hurried to drive risk management and governance of risks relied on Basel Committee. The industry’s new-found focus on risk management was ‘driven largely by a survival mentality and regulatory requirements’, as pointed out by Clifford Rossi and not by internalizing the risk assessment processes and governance improvements.

Rating institutions gave exemplary ratings and yet there was collapse of corporate credit. Risk management committees were set up and Chief Risk Officers were appointed and yet the risk mitigation did not take place. Both the government – the owner of the largest banking space and the Banks do not speak of risk management as a factor that led to the recent surge in frauds. Every product and process in these institutions is put for risk assessment.

New schemes and new programs do not get assessed for all the risks. Institutional failure to unlearn from the past and complacence on the part of Banks and FIs would appear to be the main reason for the current imbroglio. Time is not unripe for a 3600 thinking on the subject to put in place a mechanism for risk management and governance.  Noticeably, it is the absence of risk culture that is to blame for the absence of risk governance, process, analytics and expertise.

Banks sit on a mountain of data and claim AI and MML are receiving their immediate attention. The questions that come to my mind are: why then the Banks and FIs are unable to put in place a risk-based pricing system for all their loan products? How is it they fund start ups in manufacturing and services at the same level of interest rates? Again, why an owner-driven or proprietary or partnership micro and small enterprise and a medium enterprise driven by a Board with competent directors are also charged the same price? Why the Banks that claim latest technologies in place failed to transmit the rate cuts of the regulator to the clients requiring a mandatory compliance to pare the rates of interest with the Repo rate?

First and foremost for correction, is the tacit acceptance of failure of governance unabashedly and move to a thorough clean up. The four regulatory institutions – RBI, SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA should sit together and review the rating processes of all the Rating institutions they approved. Rating should not lead to a regulatory arbitrage. A simple uncompiled directive like the corporate institutions should reflect the dues beyond Rs.2lakh per vendor MSMEs did not reduce the rating of many a corporate. Had this been done, many MSMEs would not have become NPAs. There would not have been any need for the FM to give specific mandates to clear the dues to MSMEs before October 15, 2019.
Institutions that are adept at rating corporates have a myopic view of MSMEs and such thinking is largely driven by false risk perception driven by the lenders! Watch out the data – micro and small enterprises constitute around 8% of the credit to them as NPAs and every NPA is not unrecoverable. Rating is also influenced by the collateral rather than the enterprise, entrepreneur and environment over which the Banks have data but with no required behavioral analytics.

I agree with Clifford Ross, the leading risk professional when he says: “Risk professionals need to use disruptive technologies and perhaps find other tools to more effectively assess non-financial risks (e.g., cyber and operational), which have grown substantially over the past five years.

For both financial and non-financial risks, the continued development of risk expertise is vital. A great risk professional possesses the following qualities: (1) a balanced and logical temperament; (2) experience, over-the-cycle; (3) critical thinking; (4) analytical leanings; and (5) an action-driven mindset. What's more, on-the-job training is essential, because we are all at least accidental risk managers.”
*The author of ‘Risk Management – The New Accelerator’, economist and risk management specialist. Can be reached through

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Revival of economy requires swallowing bitter pill

The US Fed rate cut last month signalled that the world economies linked to the US dollar are under stress. Also, the  International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut global gross domestic product (GDP) expectation from 3.2% to 3.1% while India’s GDP slowed down to 5% in the second quarter this fiscal. The debate and discussion in the media has been on: are we heading for a recession or has the economy hit a slowdown as a natural phenomenon of the business cycle?

Growth rate of the Indian economy is linked more to the agriculture and services sectors than to others. But the precipitous fall in business confidence and consumer confidence indices, slowdown in savings and investment rates, and in capital  formation signal the necessity of corrections on different fronts. 

A fall in the growth of real estate, automobiles, and core sectors warranted policy corrections. It is, however, doubtful whether a stimulus is required. Moody’s expect the growth of the economy to be at 6% current fiscal. A 6% GDP growth in an overall depressing scenario in the rest of the world, should be seen as encouraging but that does not leave any room for complacence. 

The IFO World Economic Survey, released every quarter, says in its recent statement: “In the emerging and developing Asia, the climate indicator fell, from +2.1 to –12.1 balance points. This figure mainly reflects the negative developments in China and India. 

The ASEAN-5 countries (comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) saw a renewed downturn in their economic climate, from 34.6 to 21.3 balance points. The present economic situation continued to deteriorate but remained at a satisfactory level. The best economic climate is reported for Malaysia and the Philippines.” Malaysian Ringgit, it says, is undervalued vis-à-vis US$.


Retail inflation in India fell to 3.15% year-on-year as of July 2019, less than the RBI inflation target of 4%. A growing economy should be having a healthy inflation index. High growth rates in the past were achieved against high inflation rates. 

An alarming rise in inflation to 12.17% in 2013 provoked the RBI to take stiff measures to bring it down to the inflation expectation target. Deflationary trend will send negative signals for growth. A comparison between India and China in terms of Inflation rates indicates peaks and turfs but do not cause the economy to shrink to lows, bringing it close to recession. 

On the retail price front, inflation accelerated to a nine-month high, though remained moderate and below its long-run average. If we can maintain at the RBI an expectation at 4%, that is a rise of 0.75 in the inflation rate, the economy will bounce back to a growth level of average 7%. 

GDP Per capita 

Comparing with US dollar, per capita GDP in India was 2104.20 in 2018, which is equivalent to 17% of the world’s average and it was at a record low of $330.20 in 1960. 

Poverty index also fell to a low of less than 20%, going by the Niti Aayog data. Bourgeoning middle class and conspicuous consumption would not disappoint the retail markets, particularly the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. This would mean that the slowdown would be a temporary phenomenon.

Consumer Confidence Index:

Consumer confidence in India fallen to 95.70 index points in the third quarter of 2019 from 97.30 in the second quarter of 2019. It is way below the average of 103.10 for the period from 2010 until 2019. It has been falling since demonetisation but started rising till the second quarter of 2018. Thereafter, the fall has been precipitous. Reversing this requires more than pep talk. 

The goods and services tax (GST) has a sagging effect not merely on micro and small enterprises but also on consumers. While it has brought about the much needed business discipline and tax compliance, input credit delivery suffered gradually eroding the confidence in the system. This needs reversal sooner rather than later. 

Bank mergers contributed to the erosion in consumer confidence. Mergers led to distancing the reach of banking to the people, notwithstanding the new initiatives like the small finance banks, postal bank, small payments bank, Rupay card and Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd. (MUDRA). 

The speed of service through technology is different from the reach. Caring for customers has vastly eroded in the banks. Apps may be attractive but difficult to access for the semi-literate rural clients. If growth of the services sector is declining, financial services has a major contribution to this failure. This needs quick reversal.


The business expectations index (BEI) fell to 112.8 in the second quarter of 2019-20 fiscal year from 113.5 in the previous three-month period. The index in India averaged 117.74 from 2000 until 2019, reaching an all-time high of 127.50 Index in the second quarter of 2007 and a record low of 96.40 Index in the second quarter of 2009.

Ups and downs are part of business cycles. Several states indulge in make believe efforts when it comes to projecting ease of doing business. Still, several departments and public sector companies indulge in the procedural rigmarole for paying the bills and releasing the promised incentives. 

It is necessary that all states should revisit their industrial incentives as to what they can easily deliver and what they cannot, and whether the incentives are delivering the intended benefits at the right time. Giving rise to undeliverable expectations brings down the business confidence index. This needs correction.


The IHS Markit India manufacturing PMI (purchasing managers’ index) dropped to 51.4 in August 2019 from 52.5 in the previous month and below the market expectations of 52.2. The latest reading pointed to the weakest pace of expansion in the manufacturing sector since May 2018.

Output rose the least in a year and new order growth slowed to a 15-month low, with overseas sales increasing at the softest rate since April 2018. Backlog of works and project delays continued. Employment levels continue to cause concern with not so good results seen even against the huge investments made in skill development. 

Technology and markets are growing at a rapid pace, throwing up new opportunities. More than 75% of global growth in output and consumption is in the emerging markets. High tech advancements like the industrial internet of things, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence  (AI), though have become buzz words in the Industry, they are yet to catch up in all the segments of manufacturing. 

Some of the announcements like relaxations in foreign direct investment (FDI) policy touching retail and media, government junking old vehicles and replacing them with new ones will trigger a demand in auto sector only marginally. Cost-cutting across the supply chain remains a major priority. 

Addressing the workforce skill gap remains a challenging priority. Manufacturers can address the skills shortage by forming partnerships with schools, associates and even competitors to train and recruit talent at an early stage.  But there exists a gap in the confidence of industry to partner with educational institutions, irrespective of the emphasis that Modi and several state governments like Telangana have laid on it. 

Though labour code has been introduced with the consolidation and rationalisation of 12 labour laws, the increased burden of social security and minimum wages requires re-engineering of business processes and restructuring of organisations and this may require some more time. 

In order that the industry develops its own push-pull measures, tax breaks can be planned by the government for research and development. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) targets can also be dovetailed for a soft touch to the markets. When the morale is sagging, demand generation is hard to come by. Every measure from the government addresses just one or the other key component of manufacturing investment. It needs to be a facilitator and catalyst rather than pumping money into the economy. 

The areas where it should pump money are public investments in infrastructure and fast delivery of contract payments. Quick credit of input tax on payment of GST will also help. But unless state governments also come on board, avoid wasteful expenditure, monitor all their investments for quick results on an on-going basis and review the situation periodically through accredited third-party agencies, it will be difficult to reverse the slow growth. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Big Bang Bank Mergers

Bank Mergers Again at Most Inopportune Time

Strong economy and weak banking can hardly coexist. We have been stuck with weak banking for the last eight years in a row despite most wanted reforms like the introduction of IBC, drive for financial inclusion like Jan Dhan and introduction of MUDRA. There were 40 mergers and takeovers during the post nationalisation period including the SBI merger.  One wonders whether we have drawn lessons from these experiences.

Looking at the immediate past, SBI merger with Associates is yet to deliver the intended results. 5000 branches were wound up effectively guillotining the reach to the rural clientele. Decision-making is at its lowest speed. Highly informed sources say that the merged associate bank staff at all levels are looked down upon by the pre-merger SBI. Achievement motivation is at its low levels.

Even as such settling was in the process, second bout of merger took place with Bank of Baroda, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank. While the SBI balance sheet took two years to come back to profit, BoB jumped to profit at the end of first year itself. Obviously emboldened by the apparent frictionless mergers in the immediate past, MoF announced merging ten banks into four.

Can this be at any worse time than now, when headwinds of recession are blowing hard and global uncertainties are on the rise with trade wars between US and China and our own economy’s GDP growth tanking to 5% this quarter, the lowest in the last eight years?

25 years passed since Narasimham Committee recommended for six large banks but warned that it should not be with a combination of weak banks. Watch out: just eight months back, all the targeted banks were under Prompt Corrective Action Plan (PCA). Nine out of the ten have net NPAs above the danger level of 5%. Further all these banks are to be recapitalised meaning that they are weak upfront on capital. Further, lately, their balance sheets are saddled with Derivatives and Guarantees that may move up and add to the losses. Therefore, those targeted for merger are weak banks and not strong ones.

Y.V. Reddy, D. Subba Rao and Raghuram Rajan on one occasion or the other have cautioned the government over consolidation of Indian Banks as a panacea for the ills of the banking system.

While past accomplishments are no guarantee to future success, past failures can serve as good foundation for enduring success. Financial analysts like Anil Gupta of ICRA feel that the merging banks require harmonisation of asset quality and higher provisioning levels among the merging banks. 

Every merger or acquisition is expected to create value from synergy of some kind, and yet all the statistics show that successes are in the minority and failure can be quite expensive. Excepting that all the targeted banks have technologies in sync, no other synergies are seen on the horizon. Each suffers from heavy baggage of NPAs with several of them in the uncertain NCLT window.

Banking is all about financial intermediation. People are at the epicentre of banking both before and behind the counters. Culture of institutions is intertwined with the diverse cultures spread across the country. Success of mergers across periods and nations is elusive regarding the human resource and cultural issues.

Canara and Syndicate Banks are of the same soil and they have better prospect than the rest to derive advantage of merger. All the other merging banks would struggle to synergise on cadre management, incentive system, risk practices etc. Let us not forget that there is a 74% spurt in Bank frauds in PSBs more than others and several of them emanated from system weaknesses.

It is therefore important that the big banks start becoming humble and learn lessons instead of becoming conglomerates of unwieldy nature. Banking basics and customer service can hardly be bargained.

Government after hindsight decided to start the Development Banks to fund infrastructure projects and relieve the PSBs from this window as experience amply demonstrated that they are not cut for that job well due to their funding long-term projects with short term resources.
McKinsey has recently warned in an article: “Today’s environment is characterized by rising levels of risk emanating from the shift to digital channels and tools, greater reliance on third parties and the cloud, proliferating cyberattacks, and multiplying reputational risks posed by social media. Faulty moves to make risk management more efficient can cost an institution significantly more than they save.” Will the new CROs, when appointed, be capable of taking care of this concern?

In another study on M&A, Becky Kaetzler et al. argue for a healthy Organisational Health Index post-merger where they say that unhealthy acquirers destroy value, while healthy acquirers create value and tilt the odds toward success. Leaders considering mergers should first assess their organization’s own health to better gauge whether or not to take the merger plunge. In the instant case, all the organisations in the target are not at the expected health in the financial sector.

Leadership for transformation and good governance are critical for financial mergers to be successful. These emerging big Four out of ten should prove on these two counts that they hold these necessary virtues.

The announcement on governance improvements simultaneously released by the FM need a lot more assurance on the selection processes for the Independent Directors, non-executive Chairmen and their role. It would in fact be prudent to introduce a Declaration in 250 words annually as to his contribution to the Organisation so that the Board and the Directors can measure up the achievements against such statement. The bigger reform required from the owner is a pledge not to interfere in loan sanctions and move a resolution in the Parliament that no party would indulge in loan write off either for the farm or other sectors unless the areas are affected by severe natural calamities.

Further, higher capital allocation with or without Basel III cannot prevent bank failures triggered by systems, people and processes. Capital infusion should be done after specific commitments from the capital-deficit banks on the credit flow to the prioritised sectors, revival and restructuring of viable enterprises in accordance with the RBI mandates and recovery of NPAs.

There can be no energy without friction. The envisaged mergers are bound to have friction and it is the future that decides whether this will bring positive or negative energy. It’s to be hoped that even renewable energy through the cross-culture merger would bring the intended results. Let us not forget the dictum – too big to fail’ would eventually require the government to bail them out of any failure that ordinary citizens would not like to see or wish.