6th January is a day remembered for the unfolding of 'Satyam' Fraud. But the year 2022, thanks to Money Life Foundation, the day made a mark with the former Chief Election Commissioner, T.S. Krishna Moorthy presiding over the Corporate Governance Award function and M. Damodaran, Former SEBI Chairman delivering the Key Note Address. V. Ranganathan delivered the second best Award to Thejo Engineering at Chennai on behalf of Money Life Foundation (MLF).
I had the privilege of delivering the Award to the Hyderabad-based NATCO Pharma on behalf of MLF. R. Balakrishnan, Member of the Jury had this to say at the Award Function online:
"Every country has hundreds of laws that govern behaviour. The fact that thousands of cases are pending in various courts, while thousands more are filed every day, tells us that we, as people, find it difficult to behave in a fair manner with fellow human beings and self-interest dominates most human behaviour. "
Good Corporate Governance is essentially based on Ethics and represent the trust the investors repose in the Company. I have gone through the Annual Reports of NATCO Pharma and their various issues of Spandana representing their social activities that included support extended to the society and Anganwadis in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
Its VC and MD, Rajiv Nannapaneni, a very unassuming person, epitomizes the company both in attire and action.