to redefine and rebuild Banks?
are basically meant to allocate capital to businesses and consumers
efficiently.’ Post demonetization, customers feel the pain more than gain in
banks. Farmers getting inadequate and untimely credit from banks take to huge
private debt only to commit suicides later.
micro and small enterprises, the seed beds of employment and entrepreneurship,
are being shown the door by the banks notwithstanding the CGTMSE guarantee up
to Rs.2crore. Banks never went beyond the mandated Rs.10lakh guarantee cover
for the MSEs.
number of customers is slapped with irrational minimum balances in their
accounts and levy of penalties at will. RBI is averse to regulate such
overtures in the name of micro management of banks being not their role.
over 38% of the population still illiterate, Jan Dhan and Mudra Yojana as
instruments of financial inclusion have only become compulsive agenda for the
banking sector. Banks- Public sector or private sector, have their eyes set
only on profit. Such profits are dwindling with net interest margins declining
following the growing NPAs.
innovations like the Small Payment Banks, India Post and the likes as also the
MFIs have also proved inadequate to meet the needs of the present leave alone
the future banking needs of the population.
banking leading to poor inflow of deposits during the last four months and
cashless ATMs demonstrate the erosion of faith in banking in India. Bad banking
and good economy cannot co-exist and therefore, it is imperative that
innovative institutional solutions should be thought of.
economy targeting double digit growth ere long has competing clientele bases in
the current milieu of banking. Domain banking has moved to high tech banking.
Men at counters have now become slaves of the machine instead of being masters.
Public sector banks have long back forgotten their purpose and their owner
proving no better.
context requires that banking is redefined to meet the specificities of farming,
employment, entrepreneurship, infrastructure, and international finance as
distinct entities. In fact, Narasimham Committee (1991) suggested consolidation
and convergence of the PSBs into six to serve the needs of the service sector,
holding government securities, and retail lending; Local Area Banks to cater to
the farmers and small entrepreneurs; International Bank to cater to the needs
of exports and imports. Development Finance institutions, left untouched, would
fund the infrastructure sector. FSLRC also echoed the same in its Report. This
is the time to look at the spirit of such recommendations and rebuild the banks
to regain the fast eroding trust in banking by the larger customer base of this
the nexus between the farmer and politician can happen only when there is
mutual trust between the bank and the farmer. Farm sector, consisting of crop
farming (organic, precision, green technologies etc.), dairy farming, shrimp
farming, poultry farming, sheep farming and agricultural marketing by itself is
inherently capable of cross holding risks, save exceptions like the tsunamis,
severe drought for long spells, huge typhoons. It is only in the event of such
natural calamities that a Disaster Mitigation Fund should come to the rescue.
existing commercial banks should shed this portfolio in favour of RRBs and
merge all the rural branches with the RRBs. RRBs should be redesigned to take
to farm lending in a big way – from farm machinery to crop farming and allied
sectors on a project basis. Insurance plays a vital role in mitigating credit
risk and therefore, the insurance products should be redesigned and modified on
the lines of South Korean model.
the Rural Cooperative Banks could continue their lending to the farm sector
parallel to the RRBs as the lending requirements are huge and farmers require
multiple but dedicated lending institutions.
has not been comprehensive in regulating the sector. It is better that NABARD
is restructured to play an exclusive refinance and regulatory role over the
entire farm and rural lending consistent with its purpose of formation. Its
other functions like the RIDF can be relegated to a new institution hived off
from the NABARD.
entrepreneurship and promoting employment in manufacturing are moving at snail
space in the Start Up, Stand Up and Make-in-India initiatives. Prabhat Kumar
Committee (2017) called for setting up a National MSME Authority directly under
the PMO to correct the milieu.
the MSEs should be financed by dedicated MSE Bank Branches. All the existing
SME branches should be brought under a new regulatory institution. SIDBI has
disappointed the sector. It has to first consolidate all its FUNDS into just
five: Incubation Fund; Venture Capital; Equity Fund to meet the margin
requirements of MSEs when and where required; Marketing Fund to meet the market
promotional requirements; Technology Fund; and Revival and Rehabilitation fund.
should reshape into refinance and regulatory institution for the MSME sector
with focus on manufacturing and manufacturing alone. It should divest its
direct lending portfolio to avoid any conflict of interest. Its present lending
to real estate and non-manufacturing MSME lending should be transferred to the
commercial banks. RBI which is not currently able to cope with the regulatory
burden of this sector can transfer it to SIDBI,
Banks (Commercial Bank):
the existing commercial banks – both in the public and private sector – would
do well confining to the project finance, lending to real estate, services
sector, housing, exports and imports etc. All the Banks should constitute at
the Board level a sub-committee on Development Banking to work on the
transition arrangements to the above functionality.
Vitta Vitharana Samstha (Infrastructure Bank)
NPAs have come from the practice of lending long with short term resource base
coupled with lack of experience in assessing the risks in lending for
infrastructure projects. ‘All the perfumes of Arabia’ (RBI’s structural debt
restructuring solutions) did not sweeten the bloody hands of banks. It is time
to revisit the universal banking model and reestablish Infrastructure Bank to
fund the infrastructure projects and logistic parks.
measures would help achieving the growth like never before.
and GoI could constitute a High Level Committee to work on the modalities for
transiting to the new structural transformation of the financial sector.