Showing posts with label Telangana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telangana. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Making a Departure in Lock Down

Telangana makes a departure on Lockdown Strategy:

There are no two opinions on saving the humans should be of utmost importance when compared to saving the economy, although the economy lives longer than the human being. Therefore, strategically, saving the economy and saving the human life should run parallel as far as possible.
In the case of COVID-19, governments initially had no choice but to save lives by locking down to strictly enforcing people staying at home setting aside the economy’s interests very rightly. As things unfolded, there is broad realization that rescuing the economy from the recession and moving to V curve should also not brook any delay. In fact, compared to several States, Telangana has singular advantage moving on consistently high growth trajectory till April 2019.

The breather given by PM Modi on lockdown relaxation while extending the final date to May 3, 2020 allowed relaxations to keep several working populations in a new normal – barring the barbers who have the largest potential to spread the Covid. Welders, mechanics, electricians and even construction workers were all allowed to go back to work on the strict compliance of wearing the mask at work and maintaining social distance apart from frequent washing of hands with soap.
Those who open the workshops were asked to strictly follow the full sanitization of the area frequently and keeping the rest of the work-space tidy. It is expected that the discipline of 25-day lockdown will hold them in good stead. Telangana State differed on the agenda.

The State has a distinct place in the economic space in the country. Telangana's Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) expanded at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.40 per cent (in Rupee terms) to Rs 8.67 trillion (US$ 126.81 billion) between 2011-12 and 2018-19. At a CAGR of 16.00 per cent (in Rupee terms), tertiary sector has been the fastest growing sector from 2011-12 to 2018-19 and accounted for 63.68 per cent share in the overall GSDP. As of November 2019, the total installed power capacity of Telangana state was 15,855.87 MW. Out of this, 8,103.65 MW was contributed by state utilities, 5,637.37 MW by private utilities and 2,114.85 MW by central utilities. The second reason for a possible smoother stand is the very confident way in which the State has been tackling the pandemic. A dedicated war room to monitor the cases mandal-wise has been set up right under the glare of the CM.

Agriculture and allied activities have merited the required relaxation on lockdown norms ahead of every other State and the Union Government. Even procurement of paddy and other major crops of the State are receiving active attention. The State also merited appreciation of the Union Government in handling Covid-19 in exemplary manner.
As revealed by the Chief Minister, four districts are free from Covid patients. The intensity of the attack is more localized in Hyderabad Municipal Area and the Greater Hyderabad has already been divided into red and hot zones with intense policing and strict adherence to discipline.
Districts are gradually turning to near normal , which according to his press review, are having a better doubling rate (10days), death rate (2.44% compared to 3.22% for the whole country) and recovery rate of 22% and a larger 354 test rate per million. The State, after seeing the sudden upsurge in Suryapet district, doubled the quarantine period to 28 days, again the only and the first State to take such decision.

In and around Hyderabad, pharma, medical equipment and relating packing and packaging are any way allowed to function even before the relaxations. They are all working to around 50 percent capacity.

MSMEs are the lifeline of the economy. The State has nearly 70000 of them and the most in micro and small sector with nearly 4 lakh employees. Therefore, allowing them to work in two stages - normal districts, near normal, which may commence after a week (27th May), the State would have many micro and small enterprises from near extinction post- Covid.

Some events have no history; but they create one like the Covid-19 attack that has levelled 210 nations in one stroke. Globe turned upside down during the last two months. In the whole crisis, India of 31 States with several of them having specific strengths in different manufacturing and production spaces has a great opportunity having already become a savior of 55 Covid- 19 affected nations.
Efforts to re-invent our Health sector are already on way with the decision of converting Gachiboli Stadium Temporary Covid-19 hospital into an advanced Health Institute. It is the Hospitals, doctors, nurses, health workers, scavengers, Defense Hospitals, army doctors and nurses – all in the Union and State governments that quickly rose remarkably to the task and rescued millions of lives, where the America failed. With no offence meant, private sector was nowhere near the task.

Telangana’s ability to leverage its strength and create a huge health infrastructure in government that would create new supply chains and new value chains deserves aplomb. It has unique place again in producing vaccines very successfully and CCMB is actively working on a new vaccine along with quite a few others. The other investments that attracted the globe are aerospace, defense, ITeS and Biosciences. Disaster management could be the new strength of the State.

It would be appropriate if the State would review its decision and release the lockdown in stages in districts next week and in GHMC areas during the first week of May 2020.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

India Did Well: Needs More Reforms

The political economy of India enters the 72nd Independence Day with a sense of pride, no doubt, with the third largest economy of the world on an uptick of 7.5% growth rate. What is more, there is hope of consistency in such growth. GST, a showpiece of cooperative federalism, is the major indirect tax reform on the road to stabilization after the recent rate modifications and relaxed quarterly return submission. All it now needs is bringing fuel prices under its ambit. Yet, the nation cries for more reforms to ensure equity and social justice to all.
The Worries:

Core Consumer Price Index inflation accelerated to a 3-year high in July 2018 at 5.7%, while Wholesale Price Index moved to a six year high. Inflation is set to breach 5% in 2018, crossing the benchmark rate of 4%. Fiscal policy will be under severe pressure during the current year with States’ contribution to the widening deficit as warned by a recent Study of State Finances by the RBI. Impending General Elections 2019 to Lok Sabha would add more fuel to this fire.

The rise in stock-market indices driven by more domestic investment of about Rs.66666cr in the backdrop of foreign portfolio investors pulling out Rs.4,583cr in 2018 thus far, has little to cheer as the balance of payments position continues to be weak. IMF in its Annual External Sector Report cautioned India against relying on global financial markets to fund current account deficit of 3% of GDP.  The over-valued US dollar in the wake of increasing oil prices is enough cause for our future worry. A few economists have already predicted a burst of the bubble sooner than later with the exodus of FIIs.

Developed India:
70 reforms during the last 71 years have led to the present status of development. The nation has a large unfinished agenda on education and health reforms. I would add one more: water security in the country.

National Water Commission’s (2012) recommendation for establishing Water Regulatory Authority in each State to ensure use and allocation of water as a precursor to attaining equity and social justice is yet to gain acceptance in the wake of water wars.
Government of Telangana holds a beacon light in water policy with the world acclaimed Mission Bhagirath assuring to provide drinking water to every household in the State every day and Mission Kakatiya, tank-linking project that cleaned up 30000 of 46000 tanks in the state. Adaptation to climate change, demand management and water use efficiency in the wake of ever declining ground water resources also deserve greater attention.

Fiscal Responsibility:
Fiscal deficit is bound to exist to some degree or the other as the State has a constitutional responsibility to ensure welfare, safety and security of all the citizens. The earning capabilities are not neutral to size of the villages on one side and the natural resource base of the villages on the other. Such fiscal deficit occurs right from decentralized level to the State and Central level.

The resources should preferably be from the sub-regional fiscal allocations – i.e., the panchayats and mandals, for the assessment of the need can best happen at the village level and not at the District and State levels. Therefore, there is need for insisting on a transparent mechanism of sub-regional allocations and releases of the resources.

The ability of the villages to levy taxes and cess just does not exist and even if it existed, it has to be integrated with the regional pool of resource. For example, property taxes, drinking water cess, drainage cess, etc can be collected at the village level and their deployment for effective maintenance can be ensured through a decentralized monitoring mechanism that should include professional surveillance and social audit.

Natural disasters are unpredictable and so are the resources required for restoring normalcy in the affected areas. Many a time the expenditure cannot wait assessment of damage. These will initially cut into the budgetary allocations for various sectors but have to be replaced with appropriate fiscal initiatives. A few states have recurring floods while a few others have frequently occurring drought. Each disaster cannot be treated with the same brush.

 “There is enough evidence of growth leading to reduction in poverty: Prof S.S. Bhalla has proved (Inclusion: January-March 2012) that during the 21-year period (1984-2005) growth was around 55% and poverty decline was about 2 percent per annum (in log terms). In the five year period since 2004-05, as the growth increased the pace of poverty decline also more than doubled to 4.7% per annum.”

Reaching the poor through Jan Dhan and Mobile access led to greater financial inclusion and the social benefits of schemes like Mid Day meals programmes with the twin aim of higher enrolment and lessening poverty at the Union level; Kalyan Lakshmi schemes easing the burden of marriage costs, schemes meant for financial and social security for the farmers through ‘Rythu Bandhu’ and Rythu Bhima of Telangana Government serving as role models; making MNREGS more inclusive, 2-bed room houses for the poor from Telangana Government; and central and state schemes for providing houses to the poor etc., are all in the direction of economic empowerment of the poor and social security.

Investment Climate
If investment climate has to distance from state led incentives, there is a case for more tax reforms. While the GoI may be happy at the steady inflows of direct taxes, there is a case of reduction in the income tax and corporate tax. Both are possible if the Government can eye on increasing the share transaction tax where the tax administration expense is almost zero. Both the buyer and seller of the shares buys or sells with an eye on gains. The present STT at 0.15% can move to 1%. Since the tax deducted instantly moves to revenue kit of GoI as all demat accounts FRBM comes with ease.

Finally, In the backdrop of unprecedented pile up of NPAs, financial sector reforms leading to improvement in governance of the PSBs cry for immediate attention. This should preferably start with the winding up of the Department of Banking with the GoI. All these reform measures have the potential to take the growth to higher trajectory with stability at the expected ten percent per annum.
Published in Telangana Today's Opinion Column on 15th August 2018.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Bring in two-tier cooperative sector

Telangana is a trendsetting State proved its maturity in thinking, policy, performance and reforms. It’s unparalleled digital journey led to TSiPASS, T-Hubs, TIHCL, T-Valet, Ma Bhoomi and many a start up securing first rank in EODB. Its growth rates in agriculture and services thus far have put the state on top in the country.

It has set a new trend in governance getting closer to people with decentralising administration through the 31 districts carved out of 10 at the time of formation of the state. It has become a favoured state for investments. The State is firmly put on global radar with the Global Enterprise Summit and World Telugu Conference.  It is aware that the journey is unfinished and many miles to go. The visionary leadership of the Chief Minister saw a potential in cooperative sector if reformed through appropriate legislative interventions.  Here are a few thoughts for his consideration.