Showing posts with label Independence Day; Reforms; GST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence Day; Reforms; GST. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Revival of economy requires swallowing bitter pill

The US Fed rate cut last month signalled that the world economies linked to the US dollar are under stress. Also, the  International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut global gross domestic product (GDP) expectation from 3.2% to 3.1% while India’s GDP slowed down to 5% in the second quarter this fiscal. The debate and discussion in the media has been on: are we heading for a recession or has the economy hit a slowdown as a natural phenomenon of the business cycle?

Growth rate of the Indian economy is linked more to the agriculture and services sectors than to others. But the precipitous fall in business confidence and consumer confidence indices, slowdown in savings and investment rates, and in capital  formation signal the necessity of corrections on different fronts. 

A fall in the growth of real estate, automobiles, and core sectors warranted policy corrections. It is, however, doubtful whether a stimulus is required. Moody’s expect the growth of the economy to be at 6% current fiscal. A 6% GDP growth in an overall depressing scenario in the rest of the world, should be seen as encouraging but that does not leave any room for complacence. 

The IFO World Economic Survey, released every quarter, says in its recent statement: “In the emerging and developing Asia, the climate indicator fell, from +2.1 to –12.1 balance points. This figure mainly reflects the negative developments in China and India. 

The ASEAN-5 countries (comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) saw a renewed downturn in their economic climate, from 34.6 to 21.3 balance points. The present economic situation continued to deteriorate but remained at a satisfactory level. The best economic climate is reported for Malaysia and the Philippines.” Malaysian Ringgit, it says, is undervalued vis-à-vis US$.


Retail inflation in India fell to 3.15% year-on-year as of July 2019, less than the RBI inflation target of 4%. A growing economy should be having a healthy inflation index. High growth rates in the past were achieved against high inflation rates. 

An alarming rise in inflation to 12.17% in 2013 provoked the RBI to take stiff measures to bring it down to the inflation expectation target. Deflationary trend will send negative signals for growth. A comparison between India and China in terms of Inflation rates indicates peaks and turfs but do not cause the economy to shrink to lows, bringing it close to recession. 

On the retail price front, inflation accelerated to a nine-month high, though remained moderate and below its long-run average. If we can maintain at the RBI an expectation at 4%, that is a rise of 0.75 in the inflation rate, the economy will bounce back to a growth level of average 7%. 

GDP Per capita 

Comparing with US dollar, per capita GDP in India was 2104.20 in 2018, which is equivalent to 17% of the world’s average and it was at a record low of $330.20 in 1960. 

Poverty index also fell to a low of less than 20%, going by the Niti Aayog data. Bourgeoning middle class and conspicuous consumption would not disappoint the retail markets, particularly the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. This would mean that the slowdown would be a temporary phenomenon.

Consumer Confidence Index:

Consumer confidence in India fallen to 95.70 index points in the third quarter of 2019 from 97.30 in the second quarter of 2019. It is way below the average of 103.10 for the period from 2010 until 2019. It has been falling since demonetisation but started rising till the second quarter of 2018. Thereafter, the fall has been precipitous. Reversing this requires more than pep talk. 

The goods and services tax (GST) has a sagging effect not merely on micro and small enterprises but also on consumers. While it has brought about the much needed business discipline and tax compliance, input credit delivery suffered gradually eroding the confidence in the system. This needs reversal sooner rather than later. 

Bank mergers contributed to the erosion in consumer confidence. Mergers led to distancing the reach of banking to the people, notwithstanding the new initiatives like the small finance banks, postal bank, small payments bank, Rupay card and Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd. (MUDRA). 

The speed of service through technology is different from the reach. Caring for customers has vastly eroded in the banks. Apps may be attractive but difficult to access for the semi-literate rural clients. If growth of the services sector is declining, financial services has a major contribution to this failure. This needs quick reversal.


The business expectations index (BEI) fell to 112.8 in the second quarter of 2019-20 fiscal year from 113.5 in the previous three-month period. The index in India averaged 117.74 from 2000 until 2019, reaching an all-time high of 127.50 Index in the second quarter of 2007 and a record low of 96.40 Index in the second quarter of 2009.

Ups and downs are part of business cycles. Several states indulge in make believe efforts when it comes to projecting ease of doing business. Still, several departments and public sector companies indulge in the procedural rigmarole for paying the bills and releasing the promised incentives. 

It is necessary that all states should revisit their industrial incentives as to what they can easily deliver and what they cannot, and whether the incentives are delivering the intended benefits at the right time. Giving rise to undeliverable expectations brings down the business confidence index. This needs correction.


The IHS Markit India manufacturing PMI (purchasing managers’ index) dropped to 51.4 in August 2019 from 52.5 in the previous month and below the market expectations of 52.2. The latest reading pointed to the weakest pace of expansion in the manufacturing sector since May 2018.

Output rose the least in a year and new order growth slowed to a 15-month low, with overseas sales increasing at the softest rate since April 2018. Backlog of works and project delays continued. Employment levels continue to cause concern with not so good results seen even against the huge investments made in skill development. 

Technology and markets are growing at a rapid pace, throwing up new opportunities. More than 75% of global growth in output and consumption is in the emerging markets. High tech advancements like the industrial internet of things, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence  (AI), though have become buzz words in the Industry, they are yet to catch up in all the segments of manufacturing. 

Some of the announcements like relaxations in foreign direct investment (FDI) policy touching retail and media, government junking old vehicles and replacing them with new ones will trigger a demand in auto sector only marginally. Cost-cutting across the supply chain remains a major priority. 

Addressing the workforce skill gap remains a challenging priority. Manufacturers can address the skills shortage by forming partnerships with schools, associates and even competitors to train and recruit talent at an early stage.  But there exists a gap in the confidence of industry to partner with educational institutions, irrespective of the emphasis that Modi and several state governments like Telangana have laid on it. 

Though labour code has been introduced with the consolidation and rationalisation of 12 labour laws, the increased burden of social security and minimum wages requires re-engineering of business processes and restructuring of organisations and this may require some more time. 

In order that the industry develops its own push-pull measures, tax breaks can be planned by the government for research and development. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) targets can also be dovetailed for a soft touch to the markets. When the morale is sagging, demand generation is hard to come by. Every measure from the government addresses just one or the other key component of manufacturing investment. It needs to be a facilitator and catalyst rather than pumping money into the economy. 

The areas where it should pump money are public investments in infrastructure and fast delivery of contract payments. Quick credit of input tax on payment of GST will also help. But unless state governments also come on board, avoid wasteful expenditure, monitor all their investments for quick results on an on-going basis and review the situation periodically through accredited third-party agencies, it will be difficult to reverse the slow growth. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

India Did Well: Needs More Reforms

The political economy of India enters the 72nd Independence Day with a sense of pride, no doubt, with the third largest economy of the world on an uptick of 7.5% growth rate. What is more, there is hope of consistency in such growth. GST, a showpiece of cooperative federalism, is the major indirect tax reform on the road to stabilization after the recent rate modifications and relaxed quarterly return submission. All it now needs is bringing fuel prices under its ambit. Yet, the nation cries for more reforms to ensure equity and social justice to all.
The Worries:

Core Consumer Price Index inflation accelerated to a 3-year high in July 2018 at 5.7%, while Wholesale Price Index moved to a six year high. Inflation is set to breach 5% in 2018, crossing the benchmark rate of 4%. Fiscal policy will be under severe pressure during the current year with States’ contribution to the widening deficit as warned by a recent Study of State Finances by the RBI. Impending General Elections 2019 to Lok Sabha would add more fuel to this fire.

The rise in stock-market indices driven by more domestic investment of about Rs.66666cr in the backdrop of foreign portfolio investors pulling out Rs.4,583cr in 2018 thus far, has little to cheer as the balance of payments position continues to be weak. IMF in its Annual External Sector Report cautioned India against relying on global financial markets to fund current account deficit of 3% of GDP.  The over-valued US dollar in the wake of increasing oil prices is enough cause for our future worry. A few economists have already predicted a burst of the bubble sooner than later with the exodus of FIIs.

Developed India:
70 reforms during the last 71 years have led to the present status of development. The nation has a large unfinished agenda on education and health reforms. I would add one more: water security in the country.

National Water Commission’s (2012) recommendation for establishing Water Regulatory Authority in each State to ensure use and allocation of water as a precursor to attaining equity and social justice is yet to gain acceptance in the wake of water wars.
Government of Telangana holds a beacon light in water policy with the world acclaimed Mission Bhagirath assuring to provide drinking water to every household in the State every day and Mission Kakatiya, tank-linking project that cleaned up 30000 of 46000 tanks in the state. Adaptation to climate change, demand management and water use efficiency in the wake of ever declining ground water resources also deserve greater attention.

Fiscal Responsibility:
Fiscal deficit is bound to exist to some degree or the other as the State has a constitutional responsibility to ensure welfare, safety and security of all the citizens. The earning capabilities are not neutral to size of the villages on one side and the natural resource base of the villages on the other. Such fiscal deficit occurs right from decentralized level to the State and Central level.

The resources should preferably be from the sub-regional fiscal allocations – i.e., the panchayats and mandals, for the assessment of the need can best happen at the village level and not at the District and State levels. Therefore, there is need for insisting on a transparent mechanism of sub-regional allocations and releases of the resources.

The ability of the villages to levy taxes and cess just does not exist and even if it existed, it has to be integrated with the regional pool of resource. For example, property taxes, drinking water cess, drainage cess, etc can be collected at the village level and their deployment for effective maintenance can be ensured through a decentralized monitoring mechanism that should include professional surveillance and social audit.

Natural disasters are unpredictable and so are the resources required for restoring normalcy in the affected areas. Many a time the expenditure cannot wait assessment of damage. These will initially cut into the budgetary allocations for various sectors but have to be replaced with appropriate fiscal initiatives. A few states have recurring floods while a few others have frequently occurring drought. Each disaster cannot be treated with the same brush.

 “There is enough evidence of growth leading to reduction in poverty: Prof S.S. Bhalla has proved (Inclusion: January-March 2012) that during the 21-year period (1984-2005) growth was around 55% and poverty decline was about 2 percent per annum (in log terms). In the five year period since 2004-05, as the growth increased the pace of poverty decline also more than doubled to 4.7% per annum.”

Reaching the poor through Jan Dhan and Mobile access led to greater financial inclusion and the social benefits of schemes like Mid Day meals programmes with the twin aim of higher enrolment and lessening poverty at the Union level; Kalyan Lakshmi schemes easing the burden of marriage costs, schemes meant for financial and social security for the farmers through ‘Rythu Bandhu’ and Rythu Bhima of Telangana Government serving as role models; making MNREGS more inclusive, 2-bed room houses for the poor from Telangana Government; and central and state schemes for providing houses to the poor etc., are all in the direction of economic empowerment of the poor and social security.

Investment Climate
If investment climate has to distance from state led incentives, there is a case for more tax reforms. While the GoI may be happy at the steady inflows of direct taxes, there is a case of reduction in the income tax and corporate tax. Both are possible if the Government can eye on increasing the share transaction tax where the tax administration expense is almost zero. Both the buyer and seller of the shares buys or sells with an eye on gains. The present STT at 0.15% can move to 1%. Since the tax deducted instantly moves to revenue kit of GoI as all demat accounts FRBM comes with ease.

Finally, In the backdrop of unprecedented pile up of NPAs, financial sector reforms leading to improvement in governance of the PSBs cry for immediate attention. This should preferably start with the winding up of the Department of Banking with the GoI. All these reform measures have the potential to take the growth to higher trajectory with stability at the expected ten percent per annum.
Published in Telangana Today's Opinion Column on 15th August 2018.