Karl Marx once said speaking of
the goals of economic satisfaction: ‘each according to his needs’ (communists
achieved it); ‘each according to his ability’ (capitalists achieved it) --
extend this to each according to his greed (modern economies surpassed).
Democracy means great expectations and the FM has to meet these expectations in
the most unenviable challenging environment.
The stunning defeat in the
States’ elections during the year made the FM look at Rural India, agriculture,
irrigation and infrastructure in this budget as key to regain its political
prominence. Noses ground to the soil made different voices allocating more than
8% of the budget 16-17 to agriculture, rural development and irrigation. The
Economic Survey forebode it to a degree.
Economic Survey 2016 read between
the lines indicates that the economy would travel in uncertain growth territory
due to weak growth of world output (around 3%), declining commodity markets, turbulent
financial markets, and volatile exchange rates. The current expectation of
7-7.75% growth during the current year and 8% in the succeeding years is the
hopeful. Agriculture sector constituting around 15% of GDP at current prices
having 60% of population dependent on it just ended with 1.1%; manufacturing
with Make-in-India push surged to 9.5% and services in spite of start-up and
digital India efforts slackened to 10.1%. Unless manufacturing start-ups attract angel
funds in a big way it would be difficult to show a double digit growth in the
sector as the credit markets are weak.