chose this word to write about, as it has become too mechanical (the mobile or
computer email automatically acknowledges a message or mail without the owner
ever intending to do. We are now accustomed to receiving acknowledgement
through email generated by the system. Here, the institution, either a bank or
insurance company does it as a matter of routine. A complaint gets acknowledged
but not necessary that the aggrieved person gets his complaint resolved!
of receipt (serves legal purpose): There are others who make it a point to
demand the acknowledgement by the recipient – mail post or sent through
courier. Here it merely serves the fact of the recipient receiving it whereby
it can be established by the originator that the former has received it at a
particular time or on a particular day.
meanings: Several Dictionaries, like the Webster, Oxford, Cambridge define it
in terms of its usage. Some of them are quoted here.
a: the act of acknowledging something or someone - acknowledgment of a mistake
b: recognition or favourable
notice of an act or achievement received acknowledgment for his charitable works
c: recognition of the
existence or truth of something: the acknowledgement of a sovereign power.
d: an expression of
e: a thing done or given in
appreciation of gratitude.”
2. Law:
a declaration
before an official that one has executed a particular legal document.
2. an official certificate of a formal acknowledging.
3. public recognition by a man of an illegitimate
child as his own.”
This also
represents the behaviour/culture of a person when he acknowledges receipt of a
book or memento or gift. It should come out of the heart and not out of the
When you are at
a podium addressing on a topic, you would love to receive the applause of
audience as an acknowledgement of the aspect spoken of. Another body language
is a pleasant smile or even loud laugh to represent the other person’s
When you pray
God, it is acknowledgement of the wonderful life bestowed on you.
The word leaves
a feeling of happiness in both the giver and taker.
The question
that needs answer is why do people fail to do this simple act?