Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lake Louise:wonder wanders in splendor

Lake Louise: wonder wanders in splendor

Wonder wanders in splendor
Thunder blows cold
Grandeur greets the lake
Humility dancing on its lips
Thou art Lake Louise.

Beauty in bounty waves its lily white hands
Smiling skies beckon thee
To the snow-clad mountains
Lush green meadows
And windy pines dance to your tunes
Thou art Lake Louise.

Life is lovely
Views are piety
Misty mountains
Green valley welcome
Thou art Lake Louise.

Wearing the white gowns
You Rocky Mountains
Marry the green meadow
Only to divorce on a shining Sun
Leaving waters high
Into the lakes to turn jade
Thou art Lake Louise.

As the day gets into dusk
Clouds gather to shower
Defining their joy with nature bounty
Thou art Lake Louise.

Returning to Calgary
 The memories of the Lake
Enchant the mind
Pristine glory unwinds
Thou art Lake Louise.

Snowy mountains shine
Sun feeling shy
Waters soft stunt the rocks on shore
Pines in heights in humble the flowing water
Waves’ silver streaks all in smiles
Thou art Lake Louise.

Greeting hands clasping with nature
Hills of Louise clad in while
Drill in shrill send no shivers
Waves’ silver streaks all in smiles
Thou art Lake Louise.

Shriya’s locks of hair
Down her lovely looks
Chintu on heights of joy
Hiding on smiling lips
Gunnu laughing wanting to mount the glaciers
Daunting and daring
Put on hold by loving mom and dad.

Drenching the feel in freezing waters
A joy forever
Lovely lake Louise waters in all its charms
Greeting hands clasping with nature
Hills of Lewis clad in white
Dancing kids jumping into waters
Put on hold by loving mom and dad.

Lo and behold!
From the bottom of the lush green farms
Raise the full scale rainbow
What a sight!
The lovely bow wanted to see unto itself
Mirrored in the sky a wider reflection
The sight you can never erase in life
Thou art the Lake Louise.


  1. Dear Sir,
    I liked your poem very much. While the beauty of the nature is succinctly described by you, the man made disaster in Uttarakhand also got reminded upon reading all the versus.

    Thanking You,
    Dr. Kishore

  2. Beautifully written .I have felt as if I was there with you

    1. Thank you for sharing the joys of nature's bounty. Regards, Yerram
